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Pre-Operative Program 

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  • One factor used to determine if you qualify for surgery is a BMI (Body Mass Index) ≥ 40 OR  BMI  ≥ 35 with co-morbidities


  • BMI measures obesity based on weight and height​​

  • All patients that qualify will undergo preoperative counseling before undergoing Bariatric surgery.


  • Our Providers will counsel you to help you better understand that bariatric surgery is only one part of a multidisciplinary approach to weight loss.


  • In no way should this surgery be viewed as a "quick fix" for weight loss. Rather, qualifying bariatric surgery patients are required to make lifelong changes to their diet and exercise habits to ensure a lasting result after bariatric surgery. 


  • The pre-operative program is approximately 6 months consisting of medical visits with the surgeon, your primary care provider, behavioral health and a registered dietician. 

Surgical Candidate Criteria.PNG
  • BMI ≥ 40 OR  BMI  ≥ 35 with co-morbidities


  • Age of 18 to 60 (60+ years; upon evaluation)


  • History of weight loss attempts​


  • Acceptable operative risks


  • No endocrine cause of obesity​


  • Dedicated to Lifestyle Change & Follow-up

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  • Daily Food Choices/Diet, Physical Activity, and Behavior Modification are all carefully considered to determine if surgery is the best option

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